Click here for a complete list of operations.


Listing of Interconnects for a specific Status for the session Network/Mailbox. May be limited in scope by ECGridID and maximum number of days old.


To test the operation using the HTTP POST protocol, click the 'Invoke' button.
Parameter Value

SOAP 1.1

The following is a sample SOAP 1.1 request and response. The placeholders shown need to be replaced with actual values.

POST /v4.1/prod/ecgridos.asmx HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8
Content-Length: length
SOAPAction: ""

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:soap="">
    <InterconnectListByStatusEx xmlns="">
      <IntStatus>Pending or Completed or Canceled or Delayed or Problem or AuthorizationRequired or NoStatusChange</IntStatus>
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8
Content-Length: length

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:soap="">
    <InterconnectListByStatusExResponse xmlns="">
            <CellCarrier>NoChange or Undefined or ATTCingular or Verizon or TMobile or SprintPCS or Nextel or Alltel or VirginMobile or ATTPreCingular or ATT or BoostMobile or USCellular or MetroPCS or Powertel</CellCarrier>
            <AuthLevel>NoChange or Root or TechOps or NetOps or NetworkAdmin or NetworkUser or MailboxAdmin or MailboxUser or TPUser or General</AuthLevel>
            <Status>Development or Active or Preproduction or Suspended or Terminated</Status>
            <CellCarrier>NoChange or Undefined or ATTCingular or Verizon or TMobile or SprintPCS or Nextel or Alltel or VirginMobile or ATTPreCingular or ATT or BoostMobile or USCellular or MetroPCS or Powertel</CellCarrier>
            <AuthLevel>NoChange or Root or TechOps or NetOps or NetworkAdmin or NetworkUser or MailboxAdmin or MailboxUser or TPUser or General</AuthLevel>
            <Status>Development or Active or Preproduction or Suspended or Terminated</Status>
          <Status>Pending or Completed or Canceled or Delayed or Problem or AuthorizationRequired or NoStatusChange</Status>
            <Status>Active or AutoRoute or Pending or Suspended or Terminated or Duplicate</Status>
            <UseType>Undefined or Test or Production or TestAndProduction</UseType>
            <Owner xsi:nil="true" />
            <OwnerInfo xsi:nil="true" />
            <Config xsi:nil="true" />
            <Status>Active or AutoRoute or Pending or Suspended or Terminated or Duplicate</Status>
            <UseType>Undefined or Test or Production or TestAndProduction</UseType>
            <Owner xsi:nil="true" />
            <OwnerInfo xsi:nil="true" />
            <Config xsi:nil="true" />
            <CellCarrier>NoChange or Undefined or ATTCingular or Verizon or TMobile or SprintPCS or Nextel or Alltel or VirginMobile or ATTPreCingular or ATT or BoostMobile or USCellular or MetroPCS or Powertel</CellCarrier>
            <AuthLevel>NoChange or Root or TechOps or NetOps or NetworkAdmin or NetworkUser or MailboxAdmin or MailboxUser or TPUser or General</AuthLevel>
            <Status>Development or Active or Preproduction or Suspended or Terminated</Status>
            <CellCarrier>NoChange or Undefined or ATTCingular or Verizon or TMobile or SprintPCS or Nextel or Alltel or VirginMobile or ATTPreCingular or ATT or BoostMobile or USCellular or MetroPCS or Powertel</CellCarrier>
            <AuthLevel>NoChange or Root or TechOps or NetOps or NetworkAdmin or NetworkUser or MailboxAdmin or MailboxUser or TPUser or General</AuthLevel>
            <Status>Development or Active or Preproduction or Suspended or Terminated</Status>
            <CellCarrier>NoChange or Undefined or ATTCingular or Verizon or TMobile or SprintPCS or Nextel or Alltel or VirginMobile or ATTPreCingular or ATT or BoostMobile or USCellular or MetroPCS or Powertel</CellCarrier>
            <AuthLevel>NoChange or Root or TechOps or NetOps or NetworkAdmin or NetworkUser or MailboxAdmin or MailboxUser or TPUser or General</AuthLevel>
            <Status>Development or Active or Preproduction or Suspended or Terminated</Status>
          <Status>Pending or Completed or Canceled or Delayed or Problem or AuthorizationRequired or NoStatusChange</Status>
            <Status>Active or AutoRoute or Pending or Suspended or Terminated or Duplicate</Status>
            <UseType>Undefined or Test or Production or TestAndProduction</UseType>
            <Owner xsi:nil="true" />
            <OwnerInfo xsi:nil="true" />
            <Config xsi:nil="true" />
            <Status>Active or AutoRoute or Pending or Suspended or Terminated or Duplicate</Status>
            <UseType>Undefined or Test or Production or TestAndProduction</UseType>
            <Owner xsi:nil="true" />
            <OwnerInfo xsi:nil="true" />
            <Config xsi:nil="true" />
            <CellCarrier>NoChange or Undefined or ATTCingular or Verizon or TMobile or SprintPCS or Nextel or Alltel or VirginMobile or ATTPreCingular or ATT or BoostMobile or USCellular or MetroPCS or Powertel</CellCarrier>
            <AuthLevel>NoChange or Root or TechOps or NetOps or NetworkAdmin or NetworkUser or MailboxAdmin or MailboxUser or TPUser or General</AuthLevel>
            <Status>Development or Active or Preproduction or Suspended or Terminated</Status>

SOAP 1.2

The following is a sample SOAP 1.2 request and response. The placeholders shown need to be replaced with actual values.

POST /v4.1/prod/ecgridos.asmx HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/soap+xml; charset=utf-8
Content-Length: length

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<soap12:Envelope xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:soap12="">
    <InterconnectListByStatusEx xmlns="">
      <IntStatus>Pending or Completed or Canceled or Delayed or Problem or AuthorizationRequired or NoStatusChange</IntStatus>
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/soap+xml; charset=utf-8
Content-Length: length

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<soap12:Envelope xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:soap12="">
    <InterconnectListByStatusExResponse xmlns="">
            <CellCarrier>NoChange or Undefined or ATTCingular or Verizon or TMobile or SprintPCS or Nextel or Alltel or VirginMobile or ATTPreCingular or ATT or BoostMobile or USCellular or MetroPCS or Powertel</CellCarrier>
            <AuthLevel>NoChange or Root or TechOps or NetOps or NetworkAdmin or NetworkUser or MailboxAdmin or MailboxUser or TPUser or General</AuthLevel>
            <Status>Development or Active or Preproduction or Suspended or Terminated</Status>
            <CellCarrier>NoChange or Undefined or ATTCingular or Verizon or TMobile or SprintPCS or Nextel or Alltel or VirginMobile or ATTPreCingular or ATT or BoostMobile or USCellular or MetroPCS or Powertel</CellCarrier>
            <AuthLevel>NoChange or Root or TechOps or NetOps or NetworkAdmin or NetworkUser or MailboxAdmin or MailboxUser or TPUser or General</AuthLevel>
            <Status>Development or Active or Preproduction or Suspended or Terminated</Status>
          <Status>Pending or Completed or Canceled or Delayed or Problem or AuthorizationRequired or NoStatusChange</Status>
            <Status>Active or AutoRoute or Pending or Suspended or Terminated or Duplicate</Status>
            <UseType>Undefined or Test or Production or TestAndProduction</UseType>
            <Owner xsi:nil="true" />
            <OwnerInfo xsi:nil="true" />
            <Config xsi:nil="true" />
            <Status>Active or AutoRoute or Pending or Suspended or Terminated or Duplicate</Status>
            <UseType>Undefined or Test or Production or TestAndProduction</UseType>
            <Owner xsi:nil="true" />
            <OwnerInfo xsi:nil="true" />
            <Config xsi:nil="true" />
            <CellCarrier>NoChange or Undefined or ATTCingular or Verizon or TMobile or SprintPCS or Nextel or Alltel or VirginMobile or ATTPreCingular or ATT or BoostMobile or USCellular or MetroPCS or Powertel</CellCarrier>
            <AuthLevel>NoChange or Root or TechOps or NetOps or NetworkAdmin or NetworkUser or MailboxAdmin or MailboxUser or TPUser or General</AuthLevel>
            <Status>Development or Active or Preproduction or Suspended or Terminated</Status>
            <CellCarrier>NoChange or Undefined or ATTCingular or Verizon or TMobile or SprintPCS or Nextel or Alltel or VirginMobile or ATTPreCingular or ATT or BoostMobile or USCellular or MetroPCS or Powertel</CellCarrier>
            <AuthLevel>NoChange or Root or TechOps or NetOps or NetworkAdmin or NetworkUser or MailboxAdmin or MailboxUser or TPUser or General</AuthLevel>
            <Status>Development or Active or Preproduction or Suspended or Terminated</Status>
            <CellCarrier>NoChange or Undefined or ATTCingular or Verizon or TMobile or SprintPCS or Nextel or Alltel or VirginMobile or ATTPreCingular or ATT or BoostMobile or USCellular or MetroPCS or Powertel</CellCarrier>
            <AuthLevel>NoChange or Root or TechOps or NetOps or NetworkAdmin or NetworkUser or MailboxAdmin or MailboxUser or TPUser or General</AuthLevel>
            <Status>Development or Active or Preproduction or Suspended or Terminated</Status>
          <Status>Pending or Completed or Canceled or Delayed or Problem or AuthorizationRequired or NoStatusChange</Status>
            <Status>Active or AutoRoute or Pending or Suspended or Terminated or Duplicate</Status>
            <UseType>Undefined or Test or Production or TestAndProduction</UseType>
            <Owner xsi:nil="true" />
            <OwnerInfo xsi:nil="true" />
            <Config xsi:nil="true" />
            <Status>Active or AutoRoute or Pending or Suspended or Terminated or Duplicate</Status>
            <UseType>Undefined or Test or Production or TestAndProduction</UseType>
            <Owner xsi:nil="true" />
            <OwnerInfo xsi:nil="true" />
            <Config xsi:nil="true" />
            <CellCarrier>NoChange or Undefined or ATTCingular or Verizon or TMobile or SprintPCS or Nextel or Alltel or VirginMobile or ATTPreCingular or ATT or BoostMobile or USCellular or MetroPCS or Powertel</CellCarrier>
            <AuthLevel>NoChange or Root or TechOps or NetOps or NetworkAdmin or NetworkUser or MailboxAdmin or MailboxUser or TPUser or General</AuthLevel>
            <Status>Development or Active or Preproduction or Suspended or Terminated</Status>


The following is a sample HTTP GET request and response. The placeholders shown need to be replaced with actual values.

GET /v4.1/prod/ecgridos.asmx/InterconnectListByStatusEx?SessionID=string&NetworkID=string&MailboxID=string&IntStatus=string&ECGridID=string&MaxDays=string HTTP/1.1
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8
Content-Length: length

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<ArrayOfInterconnectIDInfo xmlns="">
      <CellCarrier>NoChange or Undefined or ATTCingular or Verizon or TMobile or SprintPCS or Nextel or Alltel or VirginMobile or ATTPreCingular or ATT or BoostMobile or USCellular or MetroPCS or Powertel</CellCarrier>
      <AuthLevel>NoChange or Root or TechOps or NetOps or NetworkAdmin or NetworkUser or MailboxAdmin or MailboxUser or TPUser or General</AuthLevel>
      <Status>Development or Active or Preproduction or Suspended or Terminated</Status>
      <CellCarrier>NoChange or Undefined or ATTCingular or Verizon or TMobile or SprintPCS or Nextel or Alltel or VirginMobile or ATTPreCingular or ATT or BoostMobile or USCellular or MetroPCS or Powertel</CellCarrier>
      <AuthLevel>NoChange or Root or TechOps or NetOps or NetworkAdmin or NetworkUser or MailboxAdmin or MailboxUser or TPUser or General</AuthLevel>
      <Status>Development or Active or Preproduction or Suspended or Terminated</Status>
    <Status>Pending or Completed or Canceled or Delayed or Problem or AuthorizationRequired or NoStatusChange</Status>
      <Status>Active or AutoRoute or Pending or Suspended or Terminated or Duplicate</Status>
      <UseType>Undefined or Test or Production or TestAndProduction</UseType>
        <CellCarrier>NoChange or Undefined or ATTCingular or Verizon or TMobile or SprintPCS or Nextel or Alltel or VirginMobile or ATTPreCingular or ATT or BoostMobile or USCellular or MetroPCS or Powertel</CellCarrier>
        <AuthLevel>NoChange or Root or TechOps or NetOps or NetworkAdmin or NetworkUser or MailboxAdmin or MailboxUser or TPUser or General</AuthLevel>
        <Status>Development or Active or Preproduction or Suspended or Terminated</Status>
        <RoutingGroup>ProductionA or ProductionB or Migration1 or Migration2 or NetOpsOnly1 or NetOpsOnly2 or ManagedFileTransfer or SuperHub or Test or Suspense1 or Suspense2 or Suspense3</RoutingGroup>
      <Status>Active or AutoRoute or Pending or Suspended or Terminated or Duplicate</Status>
      <UseType>Undefined or Test or Production or TestAndProduction</UseType>
        <CellCarrier>NoChange or Undefined or ATTCingular or Verizon or TMobile or SprintPCS or Nextel or Alltel or VirginMobile or ATTPreCingular or ATT or BoostMobile or USCellular or MetroPCS or Powertel</CellCarrier>
        <AuthLevel>NoChange or Root or TechOps or NetOps or NetworkAdmin or NetworkUser or MailboxAdmin or MailboxUser or TPUser or General</AuthLevel>
        <Status>Development or Active or Preproduction or Suspended or Terminated</Status>
        <RoutingGroup>ProductionA or ProductionB or Migration1 or Migration2 or NetOpsOnly1 or NetOpsOnly2 or ManagedFileTransfer or SuperHub or Test or Suspense1 or Suspense2 or Suspense3</RoutingGroup>
      <CellCarrier>NoChange or Undefined or ATTCingular or Verizon or TMobile or SprintPCS or Nextel or Alltel or VirginMobile or ATTPreCingular or ATT or BoostMobile or USCellular or MetroPCS or Powertel</CellCarrier>
      <AuthLevel>NoChange or Root or TechOps or NetOps or NetworkAdmin or NetworkUser or MailboxAdmin or MailboxUser or TPUser or General</AuthLevel>
      <Status>Development or Active or Preproduction or Suspended or Terminated</Status>
      <CellCarrier>NoChange or Undefined or ATTCingular or Verizon or TMobile or SprintPCS or Nextel or Alltel or VirginMobile or ATTPreCingular or ATT or BoostMobile or USCellular or MetroPCS or Powertel</CellCarrier>
      <AuthLevel>NoChange or Root or TechOps or NetOps or NetworkAdmin or NetworkUser or MailboxAdmin or MailboxUser or TPUser or General</AuthLevel>
      <Status>Development or Active or Preproduction or Suspended or Terminated</Status>
      <CellCarrier>NoChange or Undefined or ATTCingular or Verizon or TMobile or SprintPCS or Nextel or Alltel or VirginMobile or ATTPreCingular or ATT or BoostMobile or USCellular or MetroPCS or Powertel</CellCarrier>
      <AuthLevel>NoChange or Root or TechOps or NetOps or NetworkAdmin or NetworkUser or MailboxAdmin or MailboxUser or TPUser or General</AuthLevel>
      <Status>Development or Active or Preproduction or Suspended or Terminated</Status>
    <Status>Pending or Completed or Canceled or Delayed or Problem or AuthorizationRequired or NoStatusChange</Status>
      <Status>Active or AutoRoute or Pending or Suspended or Terminated or Duplicate</Status>
      <UseType>Undefined or Test or Production or TestAndProduction</UseType>
        <CellCarrier>NoChange or Undefined or ATTCingular or Verizon or TMobile or SprintPCS or Nextel or Alltel or VirginMobile or ATTPreCingular or ATT or BoostMobile or USCellular or MetroPCS or Powertel</CellCarrier>
        <AuthLevel>NoChange or Root or TechOps or NetOps or NetworkAdmin or NetworkUser or MailboxAdmin or MailboxUser or TPUser or General</AuthLevel>
        <Status>Development or Active or Preproduction or Suspended or Terminated</Status>
        <RoutingGroup>ProductionA or ProductionB or Migration1 or Migration2 or NetOpsOnly1 or NetOpsOnly2 or ManagedFileTransfer or SuperHub or Test or Suspense1 or Suspense2 or Suspense3</RoutingGroup>
      <Status>Active or AutoRoute or Pending or Suspended or Terminated or Duplicate</Status>
      <UseType>Undefined or Test or Production or TestAndProduction</UseType>
        <CellCarrier>NoChange or Undefined or ATTCingular or Verizon or TMobile or SprintPCS or Nextel or Alltel or VirginMobile or ATTPreCingular or ATT or BoostMobile or USCellular or MetroPCS or Powertel</CellCarrier>
        <AuthLevel>NoChange or Root or TechOps or NetOps or NetworkAdmin or NetworkUser or MailboxAdmin or MailboxUser or TPUser or General</AuthLevel>
        <Status>Development or Active or Preproduction or Suspended or Terminated</Status>
        <RoutingGroup>ProductionA or ProductionB or Migration1 or Migration2 or NetOpsOnly1 or NetOpsOnly2 or ManagedFileTransfer or SuperHub or Test or Suspense1 or Suspense2 or Suspense3</RoutingGroup>
      <CellCarrier>NoChange or Undefined or ATTCingular or Verizon or TMobile or SprintPCS or Nextel or Alltel or VirginMobile or ATTPreCingular or ATT or BoostMobile or USCellular or MetroPCS or Powertel</CellCarrier>
      <AuthLevel>NoChange or Root or TechOps or NetOps or NetworkAdmin or NetworkUser or MailboxAdmin or MailboxUser or TPUser or General</AuthLevel>
      <Status>Development or Active or Preproduction or Suspended or Terminated</Status>


The following is a sample HTTP POST request and response. The placeholders shown need to be replaced with actual values.

POST /v4.1/prod/ecgridos.asmx/InterconnectListByStatusEx HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Content-Length: length

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8
Content-Length: length

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<ArrayOfInterconnectIDInfo xmlns="">
      <CellCarrier>NoChange or Undefined or ATTCingular or Verizon or TMobile or SprintPCS or Nextel or Alltel or VirginMobile or ATTPreCingular or ATT or BoostMobile or USCellular or MetroPCS or Powertel</CellCarrier>
      <AuthLevel>NoChange or Root or TechOps or NetOps or NetworkAdmin or NetworkUser or MailboxAdmin or MailboxUser or TPUser or General</AuthLevel>
      <Status>Development or Active or Preproduction or Suspended or Terminated</Status>
      <CellCarrier>NoChange or Undefined or ATTCingular or Verizon or TMobile or SprintPCS or Nextel or Alltel or VirginMobile or ATTPreCingular or ATT or BoostMobile or USCellular or MetroPCS or Powertel</CellCarrier>
      <AuthLevel>NoChange or Root or TechOps or NetOps or NetworkAdmin or NetworkUser or MailboxAdmin or MailboxUser or TPUser or General</AuthLevel>
      <Status>Development or Active or Preproduction or Suspended or Terminated</Status>
    <Status>Pending or Completed or Canceled or Delayed or Problem or AuthorizationRequired or NoStatusChange</Status>
      <Status>Active or AutoRoute or Pending or Suspended or Terminated or Duplicate</Status>
      <UseType>Undefined or Test or Production or TestAndProduction</UseType>
        <CellCarrier>NoChange or Undefined or ATTCingular or Verizon or TMobile or SprintPCS or Nextel or Alltel or VirginMobile or ATTPreCingular or ATT or BoostMobile or USCellular or MetroPCS or Powertel</CellCarrier>
        <AuthLevel>NoChange or Root or TechOps or NetOps or NetworkAdmin or NetworkUser or MailboxAdmin or MailboxUser or TPUser or General</AuthLevel>
        <Status>Development or Active or Preproduction or Suspended or Terminated</Status>
        <RoutingGroup>ProductionA or ProductionB or Migration1 or Migration2 or NetOpsOnly1 or NetOpsOnly2 or ManagedFileTransfer or SuperHub or Test or Suspense1 or Suspense2 or Suspense3</RoutingGroup>
      <Status>Active or AutoRoute or Pending or Suspended or Terminated or Duplicate</Status>
      <UseType>Undefined or Test or Production or TestAndProduction</UseType>
        <CellCarrier>NoChange or Undefined or ATTCingular or Verizon or TMobile or SprintPCS or Nextel or Alltel or VirginMobile or ATTPreCingular or ATT or BoostMobile or USCellular or MetroPCS or Powertel</CellCarrier>
        <AuthLevel>NoChange or Root or TechOps or NetOps or NetworkAdmin or NetworkUser or MailboxAdmin or MailboxUser or TPUser or General</AuthLevel>
        <Status>Development or Active or Preproduction or Suspended or Terminated</Status>
        <RoutingGroup>ProductionA or ProductionB or Migration1 or Migration2 or NetOpsOnly1 or NetOpsOnly2 or ManagedFileTransfer or SuperHub or Test or Suspense1 or Suspense2 or Suspense3</RoutingGroup>
      <CellCarrier>NoChange or Undefined or ATTCingular or Verizon or TMobile or SprintPCS or Nextel or Alltel or VirginMobile or ATTPreCingular or ATT or BoostMobile or USCellular or MetroPCS or Powertel</CellCarrier>
      <AuthLevel>NoChange or Root or TechOps or NetOps or NetworkAdmin or NetworkUser or MailboxAdmin or MailboxUser or TPUser or General</AuthLevel>
      <Status>Development or Active or Preproduction or Suspended or Terminated</Status>
      <CellCarrier>NoChange or Undefined or ATTCingular or Verizon or TMobile or SprintPCS or Nextel or Alltel or VirginMobile or ATTPreCingular or ATT or BoostMobile or USCellular or MetroPCS or Powertel</CellCarrier>
      <AuthLevel>NoChange or Root or TechOps or NetOps or NetworkAdmin or NetworkUser or MailboxAdmin or MailboxUser or TPUser or General</AuthLevel>
      <Status>Development or Active or Preproduction or Suspended or Terminated</Status>
      <CellCarrier>NoChange or Undefined or ATTCingular or Verizon or TMobile or SprintPCS or Nextel or Alltel or VirginMobile or ATTPreCingular or ATT or BoostMobile or USCellular or MetroPCS or Powertel</CellCarrier>
      <AuthLevel>NoChange or Root or TechOps or NetOps or NetworkAdmin or NetworkUser or MailboxAdmin or MailboxUser or TPUser or General</AuthLevel>
      <Status>Development or Active or Preproduction or Suspended or Terminated</Status>
    <Status>Pending or Completed or Canceled or Delayed or Problem or AuthorizationRequired or NoStatusChange</Status>
      <Status>Active or AutoRoute or Pending or Suspended or Terminated or Duplicate</Status>
      <UseType>Undefined or Test or Production or TestAndProduction</UseType>
        <CellCarrier>NoChange or Undefined or ATTCingular or Verizon or TMobile or SprintPCS or Nextel or Alltel or VirginMobile or ATTPreCingular or ATT or BoostMobile or USCellular or MetroPCS or Powertel</CellCarrier>
        <AuthLevel>NoChange or Root or TechOps or NetOps or NetworkAdmin or NetworkUser or MailboxAdmin or MailboxUser or TPUser or General</AuthLevel>
        <Status>Development or Active or Preproduction or Suspended or Terminated</Status>
        <RoutingGroup>ProductionA or ProductionB or Migration1 or Migration2 or NetOpsOnly1 or NetOpsOnly2 or ManagedFileTransfer or SuperHub or Test or Suspense1 or Suspense2 or Suspense3</RoutingGroup>
      <Status>Active or AutoRoute or Pending or Suspended or Terminated or Duplicate</Status>
      <UseType>Undefined or Test or Production or TestAndProduction</UseType>
        <CellCarrier>NoChange or Undefined or ATTCingular or Verizon or TMobile or SprintPCS or Nextel or Alltel or VirginMobile or ATTPreCingular or ATT or BoostMobile or USCellular or MetroPCS or Powertel</CellCarrier>
        <AuthLevel>NoChange or Root or TechOps or NetOps or NetworkAdmin or NetworkUser or MailboxAdmin or MailboxUser or TPUser or General</AuthLevel>
        <Status>Development or Active or Preproduction or Suspended or Terminated</Status>
        <RoutingGroup>ProductionA or ProductionB or Migration1 or Migration2 or NetOpsOnly1 or NetOpsOnly2 or ManagedFileTransfer or SuperHub or Test or Suspense1 or Suspense2 or Suspense3</RoutingGroup>
      <CellCarrier>NoChange or Undefined or ATTCingular or Verizon or TMobile or SprintPCS or Nextel or Alltel or VirginMobile or ATTPreCingular or ATT or BoostMobile or USCellular or MetroPCS or Powertel</CellCarrier>
      <AuthLevel>NoChange or Root or TechOps or NetOps or NetworkAdmin or NetworkUser or MailboxAdmin or MailboxUser or TPUser or General</AuthLevel>
      <Status>Development or Active or Preproduction or Suspended or Terminated</Status>